.10 Sep 2024 Online Constellations in English | Weventum
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10 Sep 2024 Online Constellations in English

10 Sep 2024 Online Constellations in English

T 10. sept 2024 16:00kuni T 10. sept 2024 18:30(UTC +0)

At FELD INSTITUT, we have been organizing our open constellation group since 2012. We are pleased to also offer this group in English.

The group is led by Stephanie Hartung, who holds a degree in economics and is a trained Gestalt therapist and systemic coach. Stephanie has over 25 years of experience working with constellations.

In times of change and crisis, or even for everyday questions, constellations can reveal multi-perspective possibilities for both personal and organizational development. Participating in the group always provides valuable insights, even if you’re not focusing on your own issues.

The constellation workshops are open to everyone, and no prior experience is necessary. The participation fee is 30 Euros, including VAT. Please register here. For any questions, you can contact Stephanie Hartung at stephanie.hartung@feld-institut.de.

Refund policy
Contact the organiser to request a refund. Weventum fee is nonrefundable.
Online Constellations in English, 10.09.2024
müük lõpeb 10.09.2024 12:30
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0 piletit, maksumus 0€
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